My name is McKayla and I am the artist behind Inspire Photography. 

I founded Inspire Photography in 2013 as an amateur photographer and have continued develop my passion for photography ever since. To me, capturing people in photos is one of the best ways to preserve memories, which is why my goal is to end up with images that get at the essence of who my clients are - whether that's a head-over-heels in love young couple or a set of sassy siblings, I aim to capture the "true you" in every image - and trust me, the real deal is always, always  better than a super-posed version. I unofficially specialize in chasing around kids who don't think they want their picture taken and climbing things to get the perfect angle.  When I am not taking photos you can find me dancing (check out my website here:, eating dark chocolate, and exploring the outdoors.  Thanks for your interest in my work, I look forward to working with you. 

